Irresistible historical trend; countries strive for independence; nations strive for liberation; the people strive for revolution; ...

不可抗拒的历史潮流; 国家要独立; 民族要解放; 人民要革命. 坚决支持非洲人民反对殖民主义和种族歧视的斗争
Buke kangjude lishi chaoliu; guojia yao duli; minzu yao jiefang; renmin yao geming. Jianjue zhichi Feizhou renmin fandui zhiminzhuyi he zhongzu qishide douzheng
Irresistible historical trend; countries strive for independence; ...
1972, April
Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出版社)
53x77 cm.
BG E17/3

Photograph of a sculpture; a group of Africans fighting an unseen enemy. The text is a quote from a speech to the United Nations by Huang Hua (黄华), the first UN-representative of the People's Republic.
The full title:
Inexorable tides of history; countries strive for independence; nations strive for liberation; the people strive for revolution. Firmly support the African people's struggle against colonialism and racial discrimination.
Compare BG E3/728 and BG E3/729.

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