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Confucius - 孔子 -
(c. 551 – c. 479 BCE).
Criticize Lin Biao and Confucius (1974)
Study Lu Xun's revolutionary spirit to become a pathbreaker in criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius
(1973, March)
Criticize the reactionary thought of Lin Biao and Confucius, firmly walk with the workers and peasants on the road of unity
(1974, February)
Fight the people's battle of criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius well
(1974, February)
Wage the struggle of criticizing Lin and Confucius to the end
(1974, February)
Study Lu Xun's revolutionary spirit, to become a revolutionary vanguard in criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius!
(1974, February)
The criticism of Lin (Biao) and Confucius is a matter of prime importance for the whole party, the whole army and the people of the whole country
(1974, February)
Cartoon reference materials for the Criticise Lin Biao Criticise Confucius Campaign 1
(1974, February)
Wage the struggle of criticizing Lin and Confucius to the end
(1974, February)
Cartoon reference materials for the Criticise Lin Biao Criticise Confucius Campaign 2
(1974, February)
The struggle of criticizing Lin (Biao) and Confucius must be waged to the end
(1974, February)
Relentlessly criticize China's Confucius of today and Lin Biao
(1974, February)
Protect the great results of the Great Cultural Revolution
(1974, July)
Study the historical struggle between the Confucianists and Legalists, deepen the criticism of Lin and Confucius
(1974, September)
Continue to thoroughly, pervasively and permantly carry out the criticise Lin and criticise Confucius campaign
(1974, September)
Fighting together
(1974, October)
The historical struggle of the working people against Confucius (first sheet)
(1974, October)
The historical struggle of the working people against Confucius (second sheet)
(1974, October)
Deepen the criticism of Lin and Confucius, energetically increase industrial production
(1975, March)
Set the record of history straight
(1975, July)
Arranging a battlefield on the threshing floor of the bumper harvest
(1975, July)
Famous people, famous words -- Confucius
(1996, March)
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