Arranging a battlefield on the threshing floor of the bumper harvest

Fengshou chang shang bai zhanchang
Arranging a battlefield on the threshing floor of the bumper harvest
1975, July
Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出版社)
77x53 cm.

Propagandist performing for peasants bringing in the grain harvest - note their shadows in the foreground. She uses a picture-storybook, the image in view is Liu Xiazhi denounces Confucius' second child (柳下跖痛斥孔老二) - a story used in the campaign against Lin Biao and Confucius. In her pocket is a brochure by Yao WenyuanOn the Social Basis of the Lin Biao Anti-Party Clique (论林彪反党集团的社会基础), first published March 1975.

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