Cartoon reference materials for the Criticise Lin Biao Criticise Confucius Campaign 2

批林批孔漫画参考资料 (二)
Pi Lin pi Kong manhua cankao ziliao 2
Cartoon reference materials for the Criticise Lin Biao Criticise Confucius Campaign 2
1974, February
Hangzhou shuhuashe (杭州书画社)
78x54 cm.
BG E15/729

The text at the top reads "Grasp the top priority and go deep into criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius -- Severely criticize Lin Biao's reactionary program of attempting to restore capitalism -- 'restraining oneself and restoring rituals'" (抓紧头等大事深入批林批孔 -- 狠批林彪妄图复辟资本主义的反动纲领--“克己复礼”). This is the second of two sheets of caricatures.

All posters in this series