Regulations for staff and workers - Four: Exert oneself in study; raise the level of politics, culture, science and technology, and professional work

职工守则 - 努力学习, 提高政治, 文化, 科技, 业务水平
Zhigong shouze - Si, nuli xuexi, tigao zhengzhi, wenhua, keji, yewu shuiping
Regulations for staff and workers - Four: Exert oneself in study; raise the level of politics, culture, science and technology, and professional work
1983, January
Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E13/277

Studying presented as as an activity all by itself, leading to professionalization. One of the books on the table in the foreground is about microwave theory, another about electronics and computers.

All posters in this series