Regulations for staff and workers -- Warmly love the collective, work hard at economizing, take loving care of public property, participate actively in management

职工守则 -- 热爱集体,勤俭节约,爱护公物,积极参加管理
Zhigong shouze -- Re'ai jiti, qinjian jieyue, aihu gongwu, jiji canjia guanli
Regulations for staff and workers -- Warmly love the collective, work hard at economizing, take loving care of public property, participate actively in management
1983, January
Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E13/465

The worker wears a badge identifying her as 乘务员 304号 - travel attendant nr 304.

All posters in this series