Regulations for staff and workers--Observe discipline and be law abiding, be honest in performing one's official duties, rigorously implement rules and regulations

职工守则 - 遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,严格执行规章制度
Zhigong shouze--Zunji shoufa, lianjie fenggong, yan'ge zhixing guizhang zhidu
Regulations for staff and workers--Observe discipline and be law abiding, be honest in performing one's official duties, rigorously implement rules and regulations
1983, January
Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E13/478

Workers passing a factory's doorman (门卫). The man holds a work permit (工作证), the characters on his overall say 'Safe production' (安全生产).

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