Monkey thrice beats the White Bone Demon

Sun Wukong san da Bai Gu Jing
Monkey thrice beats the White Bone Demon
1977, May
Shanghai shuhua she (上海书画社)
77x53 cm.
BG E13/327

Designed in 1976 and published a year later, this poster can be conceived as an allegorical depiction of Jiang Qing's fall from grace. Entitled "Monkey defeats the White Bone Demon three times," it shows Monkey (which personifies the Chinese people) defeating the White Bone Demon, a devil of the first order, believed to be Jiang Qing. Seen from the chronology, such a reading of the image is quite appropriate. However, veteran poster designers such as Ha Qiongwen and Qian Daxin stated that it is "pure coincidence".

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