When we grow up we want to go up the mountains and down to the villages

Women zhangdade yao shangshan xiaxiang
When we grow up we want to go up the mountains and down to the villages
1974, August
Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E15/304

The poster on the wall ("What is there to fear with the sun in mind, dare to contribute the spring (of youth) to the people -- Learn from the eleven learned Shanghai youth from Chalinchang, Huangshan, who 'first did not fear hardship, secondly did not fear death'"), by Liu Bairong, represents the famous sacrifice-by-drowning of a group of sent-down Shanghai youth at the Huangshan Tea Forest Farm (Chalinchang, Huangshan). Liu's poster was published previously --in large size-- in 1969.

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