Breed more pigs, collect more fertilizer, produce more, practice more thrift, put away more savings, construct more

Duo yang zhu, duo ji fei, duo zengchan, duo jieyue, duo chuxu, duo jianshe
Breed more pigs, collect more fertilizer, produce more, practice more thrift, put away more savings, construct more
late 1950s
Shaanxi Provincial Branch of the People’s Bank of China (中国人民银行陕西省分行)
76x53 cm.
BG E18/134

An undated poster from the Great Leap Forward, published by the Shaanxi Provincial Branch of the People’s Bank of China (中国人民银行陕西省分行), printed on tired, old paper. Using papercut-like images, it urges the people to breed more pigs, collect more fertilizer, produce more, practice more thrift, put away more savings, construct more, all to help speed up reaching the Great Leap goals.

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