The development of cross-strait relations

Liang'an guanxi de fa zhan
The development of cross-strait relations
1998, January
Liaoning meishu chubanshe (辽宁美称出版社)
76x52 cm.
BG E37/344

Fourth of the series Carry forward the peaceful reunification of the nation (推进祖国和平统一), published in 1998.

The eighth photograph, below right, shows the first meeting of the two leaders of the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF, Haixia jiaoliu jijinhui, 海峽交流基金會) in 1993. Wang Daohan (汪道涵), representing China, and Koo Chen-fu (Gu Zhenfu, 辜振甫), for Taiwan, were the first high-level representatives meeting directly.

All posters in this series