Eight Point Proposal

Ba xiang zhuzhang
Eight Point Proposal
1998, January
Liaoning meishu chubanshe (辽宁美称出版社)
76x52 cm.
BG E37/343

Third of the series Carry forward the peaceful reunification of the nation (推进祖国和平统一), published in 1998.

On 30 January 1995, at a New Year tea party held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and other units, Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the CC of the CCP and President, delivered an important speech entitled "Continue to Promote the Reunification of the Motherland" (为促进祖国统一大业的完成而继续奋斗). In the speech, Jiang presented an eight-point proposal that have a bearing on the development of the relations between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits and the promotion of peaceful reunification. The photographs show Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Li Ruihuan, and other state and army leaders, as well as people in China welcoming the proposal.

All posters in this series

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