Always heed the Party's summons -- study Yang Zirong in the revolutionary modern Beijing opera "Taking Tiger Mountain by strategy"

时刻听从党召唤 -- 学习革命现代京剧“智取威虎山”中的杨子荣
Shike ting cong dang zhaohuan -- xuexi geming xiandai jinju "Zhiqu weihushan" zhong de Yang Zirong
Always heed the Party's summons -- study Yang Zirong in the revolutionary modern Beijing opera "Taking Tiger Mountain by strategy"
1970, December
Shandong renmin chubanshe (山东人民出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E37/527

The figure in the background is Yang Zirong (杨子荣), the hero of the revolutionary model opera "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" (智取威虎山), which was made into a movie in 1960.

The sign in the background reads "Raise battle alertness, defend the nation".

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