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Zhenbao Island will not be encroached upon
Support agriculture energetically
(ca. 1969-1970)
Study the transport yard of Dandong railway station, let cadres set an example by their own conduct with a dare to grasp-dare to manage workstyle
Charge the enemy to the last breath
Be prepared for war, be prepared against natural disasters, protect vegetables and increase foodstuffs
Socialism advances in victory everywhere
Greet the 1970s with the new victories of revolution and production
(1970, January)
Where tigers crouch and dragons coil, the present defeats the past
(1970, January)
Resolutely destroy all enemies who dare to encroach upon us!
(1970, January)
Prepare for war, prepare for famine, for the people
(1970, January)
Follow the revolution's path to strive for even bigger victories
(1970, January)
Digging coal for the revolution
(1970, January)
Chairman Mao's Red Guard
(1970, January)
Come immediately into action to wage a great battle to seize coal
(1970, January)
The completion of construction of the Nanjing Yangzi big bridge is a great victory of Mao Zedong Thought
(1970, January)
Go and settle in the countryside to wage revolution, combat and prevent revisionist change and defend the nation
(1970, February)
Go to the countryside, go to the border areas, go to the regions where the motherland needs you the most
(1970, February)
Be ready at all times to wipe out any invader
(1970, March)
Tempering red hearts in the vast world
(1970, March)
China successfully launches its first man-made earth satellite
(1970, April)
China hat erfolgreich seinen ersten künstlichen Erdsatelliten gestartet
(1970, April)
Long live the victory of Mao Zedong Thought! Warmly hail the successful launch of our country's first man-made earth satellite!
(1970, April)
The Chinese people have high aspirations
(1970, April)
Raise awareness to defend the nation
(1970, April)
Learn from Comrade Wang Guofu! Pull the Cart of Revolution All the Way to Communism and Never Slacken
(1970, May)
American imperialism must be defeated! The people of the whole world must be victorious! Resolutely support the the struggle of the three Indochinese nations against America and to save the nation!
(1970, May)
Unite to win still greater victories
(1970, May)
We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack
(1970, May)
Develop the revolutionary spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death in our army
(1970, May)
Sharpening the knife day after day, intruders must be annihilated
(1970, May)
He who dares to encroach upon us will be destroyed
(1970, May)
Be sure to annihilate the enemy that invades
(1970, May)
Keep the country in heart and the whole world in mind!
(1970, June)
Bring up a new generation for the revolution! Study Hailong District's <May 7> Middle School
(1970, June)
Carrry out the revolution on the ideological and cultural battle front to the end
(1970, June)
The people's militia is the root of victory
(1970, June)
Win honor for our great leader Chairman Mao, bring credit to our socialist motherland
(1970, July)
Attack the destructive activities of active counterrevolutionaries exhibition
(1970, July)
Always be on the alert, be ready to fight
(1970, August)
We will not attack unless we are attacked, if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack
(1970, August)
Heighten our vigilance, defend the motherland! Be ready at all times to destroy the enemy intruders!
(1970, August)
Tempering red hearts in the vast world, striking root in the countryside without the desire to move
(1970, August)
Stand in combat readiness, be always prepared to eliminate the aggressor
(1970, August)
The great victory of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line - The victorious completion of the Nanjing Yangzi big bridge
(1970, August)
Keep firmly in mind the hatred of blood and tears, keep the gun firmly in hand
(1970, September)
Long live chairman Mao! Long, long live!
(1970, October)
Resolutely implement the communiqué of the second plenum of the Ninth Party Congress, Continue to deeply develop the mass movement of applying Mao Zedong Thought in study and action
(1970, October)
Chairman Mao's heart and ours beat as one
(1970, October)
Chairman Mao inspects the Shanghai Steelworks
(1970, October)
The working class must exercise leadership in everything
(1970, October)
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