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American imperialism
Anti-American Boardgame
Foreign imperialists
Enmity must be declared, injustice redressed, the blood debt must be repaid with blood!
(ca. 1951)
The world's reactionary and degenerate headquarters, the United States, is a rotten imperialist country
(ca. 1951)
The Chinese people will never forget the blood debt of American imperialism
(ca. 1951)
Heighten vigilance to defend the motherland's coastal defense - don't let the American imperialists occupy an inch of my country
(ca. 1951)
Everybody must take precautions against epidemics to smash the germ warfare of American imperialism!
Together we oppose aggressive warfare and defend the peace in the Far East and the world!
(1952, January)
Protect children, resolutely smash the germ warfare of American imperialism!
(1952, July)
American germ warfare criminals will not escape the righteous punishment of the people of the world!
(1952, July)
The American imperialists conduct brutal biological warfare in the Korean War and our north eastern territories
(ca. 1952)
Judgement Day for American Imperialism
(ca. 1953)
Expose the paper tiger
Armed intervention cannot scare the peoples that strive for independence
(1958, July)
People of the world, unite! Down with U.S. imperialism!
(1960, May)
Support the solemn and just stand of the Soviet government opposing the American imperialist crime of aggression!
(1960, May)
American imperialism is the most fiendish enemy of world peace!
(1960, June)
The storm of Asia
(1960, June)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism before Liberation
(mid 1960s)
Wave of Anti-American rage along the Huangpu river
(1961, October)
Chinese People and Youth Hail the Great Victories of the National Liberation Movement!
Proletarians of the world, unite to oppose our common enemy!
(1963, February)
Oppressed peoples of the world unite, resolutely oppose American imperialism
(1964, April)
People and Youth of the Whole World, Unite, Form the Broadest United Front Against the U.S. Imperialist Policies of Aggression and War!
(1964, April)
Situation map of the patriotic struggle of the Vietnamese people against America
(1964, August)
American imperialism is the common enemy of all the people in the world!
(1964, December)
The people of South Vietnam are getting stronger with each battle - Resolutely attack the American aggressors on a straight road to victory
(1965, April)
American imperialism must get out of Latin America!
(1965, May)
Resolutely support the just struggle of the Dominican people against America to defend their nation!
(1965, May)
Work with enthusiasm, increase production, support the just struggle of the Vietnamese people against America to save the nation
(1965, June)
American imperialists, get out of South Korea!
(1965, July)
Practice skills, be always prepared, support Vietnam, wipe out the American aggressor!
(1965, July)
American imperialism must be beaten!
(1965, July)
Oppose American imperialist encroachment, smash the "Korea-Japan Basic Treaty"
(1965, July)
American imperialism is encircled ring upon ring by the people of the world
(1965, August)
The struggle of all the people in the world against American imperialism will be victorious!
(1965, September)
Vietnam must be victorious! American imperialism must be vanquished!
(1965, September)
Down with the Yankee
(1965, October)
Bury vengeance bamboo tips to eliminate the American bandits
(1965, December)
Bury the American imperialists in the boundless ocean of the people's war
Hitting the scoundrel
(1966, January)
American imperialism get out of Africa
(1966, January)
Resolutely support the American people in their resistance against American imperialist aggression in Vietnam
(1966, April)
Supporting Vietnam and opposing the USA by concrete work
(1966, May)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor - pictorial exhibition
(ca. 1967)
Red Guard kill American imperialism and Soviet revisionism - The world strikes down American imperialism and Soviet revisionism
People of the world unite, defeat the American invaders and every servile follower!
(1968, April)
U.S. imperialism must get out of all places it occupies!
(ca. 1968)
Down with American imperialism! Down with Soviet revisionism!
(1969, February)
Pledge your life to defend the sacred territory of the motherland!
(1969, March)
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