Mutual assistance, more food - Harmonious family, good production

互助合作多打糧 - 家庭和睦好生產
Huzhu hezuo duo da liang - Jiating hemu hao shengchan
Mutual assistance, more food - Harmonious family, good production
1953, November
Yunnan renmin chubanshe (云南人民出版社)
53x78 cm.

The text below the image on the left: 五谷丰登 (Wu gu fengdeng), Bumper grain harvest; on the red pennant: 組助互範模, or read right-to left 模範互助組 (Mofan huzhuzu) Model mutual assistance group; on the sack of grain, left: 丰收 (Fengshou), Bumper harvest.

The text below the image on the right: 四季康樂 (Siji kangle), Healthy and happy four seasons; on the schoolbag: 保卫和平 (Baowei heping), Defend peace; the booklet the man is reading: 婚姻法 (Hunyinfa), Marriage Law.