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Protect socialist reconstruction -- Collectivization leads to more happiness
(mid 1950s)
Four happinesses
(early 1950s)
Love the country, grow cotton
(1951, December)
Our labor models visit a Soviet rural collective
Love the country, produce more good cotton
(ca. 1951)
1953 Calendar
(1952, November)
Mutual help in plowing has brought in more food, the livelihood of the army dependents has grown stronger
(1953, January)
A free and independent marriage is good, there is great happiness in unified production
(1953, February)
Bumper harvest of wheat at the agricultural production cooperative
(1953, November)
Busy farming season picture
(1953, November)
Advance step by step the cooperativization of agriculture and the handicraft industry,
(1954, January)
Joining the mutual aid teams is walking the road to common prosperity
(1954, May)
Pictures of four seasons in the rural village (3)
(1954, November)
Let me carry this load
(1954, November)
Agricultural cooperativization is the socialist course that makes everybody prosperous
(1955, December)
The important meaning of the development of agricultural production for the construction of the nation
(1956, February)
Develop agriculture
(1956, February)
Great harvest
(1956, December)
Bumper crop
(1957, February)
The army loves the people, the people support the army, the army and the people are as dear to each other as members of one family
(1957, June)
Autumn Harvest brand - Direct dyes
We must resolutely follow the road of socialism!
(1958, February)
Strive for even bigger harvests to contribute to socialism
(1958, March)
General Line propaganda poster 8 -- Under the condition that the development of heavy industry takes precedence, industry and agriculture must develop simultaneously
(1958, July)
The future of the rural village
(1958, October)
Bring in 1,000 dan of foodstuffs, harvest 10,000 jin of cotton
(1958, November)
The red flag flies happily, the commune is busy with production; the Eight-Point Charter is implemented well ...
(ca. 1958)
Produce more tea leaves, increase income, support construction -- 1960 calendar
Firmly follow the "Eight-Point Charter" to assure an even greater harvest in agriculture
(1959, March)
The mountains and the open country are green, fruit trees are plentiful, the people's lives are boundlessly happy
(1959, August)
Eight-Point Charter of Agriculture
(1959, December)
The whole party and all the people go all out for agriculture and foodstuffs
(1960, December)
Long live the victory of the great Mao Zedong Thought
(Early 1960s)
The fragrance of rice floats a thousand miles. Everybody poses as a hero
(1961, July)
The people's communes are good
(1961, October)
New Commune member
(1963, October)
Four scenes in the countryside (3-4)
(1963, December)
Silver flowers everywhere in a happy and abundant year
(1963, December)
The seeds have been well selected, the harvest is more bountiful every year
(1964, June)
Aspirations in the mountain village
(1964, September)
Work with enthusiasm, increase production, support the just struggle of the Vietnamese people against America to save the nation
(1965, June)
The rice is fragrant, the fruits are ripe
(1965, August)
Carefully chosen improved variety
(1965, October)
(1965, November)
Serving 500 million peasants
(1966, February)
Don’t forget thriftiness in times of abundance, increase production and be frugal, everybody must be frugal with grain to support the development of the nation
(1966, May)
Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought, turn our army into a true great school of Mao Zedong Thought
(1967, April)
Armymen and civilians celebrate a bumper harvest
(early 1970s)
Operate and use correctly to prevent electromechanical accidents
(late 1970s)
The fundamental solution for agriculture lies in mechanization
(late 1970s)
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