Heighten vigilance to defend the motherland's coastal defense - don't let the American imperialists occupy an inch of my country

提高警惕保衛祖國海防 - 不讓美帝佔我一寸士地
Tigao jingti baowei zuguo haifang - bu rang meidi zhan wo yicun shi de
Heighten vigilance to defend the motherland's coastal defense - don't let the American imperialists occupy an inch of my country
ca. 1951
Shanghai Shengsheng meishu gongsi (上海生生美术公司)
53.5x38 cm.

In front of the massive Chinese coastal fortifications, an American soldier (possibly a caricature of Mac Arthur) hands over a revolver to a Guomindang 'bandit spy' (特匪).

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