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birth control
The great significance of implementing [the policy of] marrying late and birth control
(1971, September)
Practice birth control for the revolution
(1972, May)
Productive labor is the most glorious, women can also become heroes, giving birth to boys or girls is all the same, transform social conditions to create new customs
(ca. 1972)
Deliver medicine to the doorstep, do a good job in birth control work
Carry out birth planning for the revolution
(1974, March)
Marry late and engage in planned parenthood for the revolution
(1974, August)
Practicing birth control is beneficial for the protection of the health of mother and child
Practicing birth control is beneficial for the health and prosperity of our people
Realize [the policy of] marrying late and birth control to liberate the labor power of women
(1975, March)
People who are enthusiastic to do a good job at birth control
(1975, June)
Birth control is good
(1975, August)
Practice birth control for the revolution - freely supplied anti-contraceptives
(ca. 1975?)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(late 1980s)
Population education hanging charts
(Late 1980s)
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