Population education hanging charts

Renkou jiaoyu gua tu
Population education hanging charts
Late 1980s
Renmin jiaoyu chubanshe (人民教育出版社)
52.5x77 cm.
BG E13/596

"Population education hanging charts" (Renkou jiaoyu gua tu, 人口教育挂图), designed by the Jiangsu jiaoyu xueyuan (江苏教育学院) and the Jiangsusheng dianhua jiaoyuguan (江苏省电化教育馆), is a series of 18 sheets. The series comes with an explanatory booklet, and was sold in a plastic bag.

It comprehensively deals with the effects of (over)population, reproduction, and the need to try and curb population growth.

The slogan reads "Birth control measures" (节制生育的措施).

Below that, "Please select which method is most suitable for you" (哪种方法对你最合适请选择).

On top, Intra-uterine contraceptive devices, Oral contraceptive pills, and Topical contraceptives (宫内节育器, 口服避孕药, 外用避孕工具).

Below, Sterilization and Calendar-based contraceptive methods (绝育, 安全期避孕).

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