Population education hanging charts

Renkou jiaoyu gua tu
Population education hanging charts
late 1980s
Renmin jiaoyu chubanshe (人民教育出版社)
52.5x77 cm.
BG E13/613

"Population education hanging charts" (Renkou jiaoyu gua tu, 人口教育挂图), designed by the Jiangsu jiaoyu xueyuan (江苏教育学院) and the Jiangsusheng dianhua jiaoyuguan (江苏省电化教育馆), is a series of 18 sheets. The series comes with an explanatory booklet, and was sold in a plastic bag.

It comprehensively deals with the effects of (over)population, reproduction, and the need to try and curb population growth.

The text of the first poster of the series, the "head", reads "The population issue is one that our Party and government attach great importance to. This is because it is a major issue that affects the speed of our country's socialist modernization and the long-term interests of the Chinese nation's descendants. Our country's population policy is: 'Limit the size of the population and improve the quality of the population.' Implementing family planning is a basic national policy of our country. The state advocates and promotes family planning to make the population compatible with economic and social development. All people in the country, including young students, should study the knowledge of population science, understand and consciously publicize and implement the country's population policy." (人口问题是我们党和政府十分重视的问题。因为它是关系到我国社会主义现代化建设速度和中华民族子孙后代长远利益的大事。我国的人口政策是:‘限制人口的数量,提高人口的素质”。实行计划生育,是我国的一项基本国策。国家提倡和推行计划生育,使人口同经济和社会发展相适应。全国人民,包括青年学生在内,都应该学习人口科学的知识,了解并自觉地宣传和执行国家的人口政策).

All posters in this series