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Chengdu - Chongqing Railway opened to traffic
(1952, October)
The people's railways, (expanding with) tremendous pace
(1952, October)
The people's railways, (expanding with) tremendous pace
(1952, October)
The people's railways, (expanding with) tremendous pace
(1952, October)
The people's railways, (expanding with) tremendous pace
(1952, October)
The people's railways, (expanding with) tremendous pace
(1952, October)
The people's railways, (expanding with) tremendous pace
(1952, October)
Railways, highways, postal routes - the great accomplishments of three years People's Republic of China
(1952, October)
Building the Tianlan railway
(1952, November)
Celebrate the opening of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway
(1953, June)
Glorious meeting
(1953, November)
Transport raw materials to the factories, deliver machinery to the rural villages
(1955, March)
Railway construction under the First Five Year Plan of our nation
(1956, February)
Bring the news of the victory of opening to traffic to Chairman Mao
(1956, June)
Untitled (Great Leap Forward banner)
Safe transport. Support development
(1960, March)
The February Seventh Movement
The new look of traffic
(1966, February)
Study the transport yard of Dandong railway station, let cadres set an example by their own conduct with a dare to grasp-dare to manage workstyle
Greet the 1970s with the new victories of revolution and production
(1970, January)
Obey traffic rules and ensure safe driving
(late 1970s)
Investigation - After a surprise attack
Urgent repairs
Serve the revolutionary people of the world
(1971, January)
With a red sun in our hearts, we trample the difficulties under our feet
(1971, January)
Carry the revolution forward forever
(1972, February)
The red flowers are blooming
(1972, May)
Commemorate the 50th anniversary of the great strike of February Seventh
(1972, December)
A new sound in the Dong village
(1973, April)
This is how steel is made
(1973, October)
Support agriculture with great force
(1975, November)
"To realize communism, I'd rather go all out!" Comrade Zhang Jinsheng, Communist warrior, Outstanding Communist Party member, outstanding representative of the nation's railroad workers
The friendship road - the TANZAN Railway
Never stop
(1976, October)
Another line leaps flying over the mountain pass - The victorious opening of the Chengdu-Kunming railroad
(1977, May)
Comrade: Mind your safety!
(late 1980s)
Inspect meticulously to eliminate hidden dangers
(Date unknown - 1980s?)
Fifty Glorious Years 1949-1999
In celebration of the successful opening of the Qinghai & Xizang railway
(2006, July)
Struggling for Sichuan Glorious changes
(2012, March)
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