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Workers' sanatorium
(1951, December)
Blackboard newspaper
(ca. 1953)
Study Marxism-Leninism hard !
(1954, September)
The more we study, the brighter our hearts will become
(1964, November)
Making a collective report to the mother university
(1965, November)
Only cadres who persevere in labor can persevere in revolution
(1965, December)
People's Daily (Red Flag) Magazine Editorial-January 12, 1967. Resolutely oppose economism and completely crush the new counterattack of the bourgeois reactionary line!
Enthusiastically respond to Chairman Mao's call: Practice thrift, wage revolution!
(ca. 1967)
Sell rice and grain straw to the state for the revolution, support the nation's paper making industry
(early 1970s)
An unyielding proletarian fighting spirit
(early 1970s)
Change old customs and habits - transform the country
(Early 1970s)
A letter arrives in the fields
Pumping station in the fields
(1973, January)
Every family has a bank account
(1974, May)
New and old cadres are closely united and wage revolution imbued with vitality
(1974, September)
The production brigade's reading room
(1974, September)
The measuring of the new fields has not finished yet
(1974, October)
After class
(1974, November)
New songs over the Hai river
The production brigade's reading room
(1975, January)
Enthusiastically celebrate the victorious convening of the ninth meeting of national representatives of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions
(1975, June)
Let good news spread over the grasslands
(1975, July)
Spring in Dazhai
(1975, September)
Workers' theory group
(ca. 1975)
Earnestly study the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat
(1976, February)
Study Marxism-Leninism, criticize revisionism
(1976, March)
Taking position at the head of the fields
(1976, September)
Grasp revolution, increase production, increase work, increase war preparations
(1976, September)
A great historic victory
(1976, October)
Waging struggle while forever relying in Mao Zedong Thought, obeying all orders from the Party Central Committee with Chairman Hua Guofeng at its core
(1976, November)
Loving care, tremendous inspiration
(ca. 1976)
Marry late to realize the revolution
(1977, April)
Happy for the strong support of agriculture
(1977, October)
Wise leader Chairman Hua in Liaoning
(ca. 1977)
Once more welcoming the reddening of the East
(1978, December)
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
The Old Man of the East's Spring will be long
(1992, June)
Looking ahead
(1997, September)
Fifty Glorious Years 1949-1999
Fifty Glorious Years 1949-1999
"With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe"
Unite to educate and rescue "Falun Gong" practitioners
The world’s shared outcry against cults
Protect human rights and eradicate evil cults
Struggling for Sichuan Glorious changes
(2012, March)
Great changes -- Celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up
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