The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation

Jiefanghou Tianzhu jiaohui fangeming fubi huodongde zuixing
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
mid 1960s
Publisher unknown
54x38 cm.
BG D25/133

A two-part series detailing the counterrevolutionary activities and "crimes" perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Mission in China before and after 1949. Both series are incomplete: the first part lacks the opening sheets; the second part lacks at least one sheet, and possibly more at the end.
Due to this, it is impossible to indicate when the series were published, where, by whom, and for what specific purpose. The last evil deed discussed, at the end of part two, dates from July 1965, during the "Four Clean Ups" movement (四清运动). This suggests that the two series were published some time in the mid-1960s.
The names of the foreign missionaries have been identified as far as possibile.

Titled "The crime of the Catholic Church counter revolutionaries killing the mother of young Christian Zhao Cunwan" (天主教会反革命分子害死青年教徒赵存万母亲的罪行), the cartoons recount an incident taking place in a village in Shanxi Province in the summer of 1965. The mother of Zhao Cunwan, Pan Meiying (潘美英), a diligently working commune member, was alledgedly possessed; Church officials read scriptures for three days and three nights and forced her to drink "holy water" that was contaminated. As a result, Pan Meiying fell ill.

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