Register of heroes -- Cao Zhenxian

青年英雄谱 -- 曹振贤
Qingnian yingxiongpu -- Cao Zhenxian
Register of heroes -- Cao Zhenxian
1984, September
Zhongguo qingnian chubanshe (中国青年出版社)
53x77 cm.
BG E13/197

Cao Zhenxian (1959-1980) was from Qingxian County, Hebei Province. In 1978, he became a conductor on the No. 21 bus of the Beijing Public Transport Corporation. After finishing work on 17 February 1980, he volunteered to take the night shift. When he discouraged four criminal types from taking the bus, one of them stabbed him in the chest. Wounded and enduring the pain, Cao chased the murderer; he died heroically due to excessive bleeding. In the same year, the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League awarded him the title of a model Communist Youth League member. The Beijing Municipal People’s Government approved him as a revolutionary martyr. In 1984, it erected a statue for Cao in Huichengmen Park, Beijing.

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