Everybody must adopt personal hygienic habits

Bixu yangcheng geren weisheng xiguan
Everybody must adopt personal hygienic habits
1952, July
Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社)
53x74 cm.
BG E15/217

This poster is part of a series with the title "Everybody joins the patriotic hygienic campaign to prevent epidemics, Thoroughly defeat the germ warfare of American imperialism, " (彻底打散美帝国主义的细菌战,人人都来参加爱国防疫运动). The slogan on the right-hand side (人人都来参加爱国防病卫生运动) has been cropped.

The poster shows various examples of personal hygienic habits.


All posters in this series