Go to the countryside, go to the border areas, go to the regions where the motherland needs you the most

Dao nongcun qu dao bianjiang qu dao zuguo zui xuyaode difang qu
Go to the countryside, go to the border areas, go to the regions where the motherland needs you the most
1970, February
Shanghaishi gemingzu (上海市革命组)
77x53 cm.
BG E16/331

The train has departed from Shanghai (上海).

The text in the image reads:
It is absolutely necessary for the educated youth to go to the countryside to receive re-education from the Poor and Lower-Middle peasants (知识青年到农村去,接受贫下中农的再教育,很有必要)

The slogan on the train reads:
Always learn from comrade Jin Xunhua (向金训华同志学习)