General knowledge about three types of attack educational wall charts

San fang chang shi jiaoyu guatu
General knowledge about three types of attack educational wall charts
1983, June
Office of the National Civil Air Defense Commission (国家人民防空委员会办公室)
53x77 cm.
BG E37/693

An 18-poster series, "General knowledge about three types of attack educational wall charts" (三防常识教育挂图), published in June 1983 by the Office of the National Civil Air Defense Commission (国家人民防空委员会办公室). The three types of attack are those with nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.

Titled "Pay attention to the protection against nuclear, chemical and biological weapons" (要重视对核,化,生武器的防护), the poster shows a nuclear explosion and its effects; German gas attacks during WWI; the nuclear Hiroshima bombing in WWII; and Japanese gas attacks in China in WWII.

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