Eliminate any act of conspiracy or sabotage by reactionary elements

Suqing fandong fenzide renhe yinmo pohuai huodong
Eliminate any act of conspiracy or sabotage by reactionary elements
ca. 1951
Shanghai Shengsheng meishu gongsi (上海生生美术公司)
53.5x37.5 cm.

The large peasant wears a People's Militia armband (兵民 - bing min). He holds a small Guomindang bandit (匪首 - feishou), who drops a pistol labelled "US".

In the background, scenes with a Guomindang 'bandit spy':
People's militia lies in ambush for spies (圍剿 - weijiao - to encircle and annihilate).
Spy robs and spreads rumors (搶劫 - qiangjie - robbery and 造謠 - zaoyao - spreading a rumor).
Spy poisons a well (放毒 - fangdu - poisoning).
Spy sets fire to a grain field (縱火 - zonghuo - committing arson).
Spy hands in his US pistol with a confession of repentance (自新 - zixin - reforming oneself).