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Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries (1950-1952)
Family members, relatives and friends of criminal secret agents, you must supervise and urge criminals to register and turn over a new leaf!
(ca. 1950)
He who harms the people will not easily escape justice!
(ca. 1950)
Defend our factories. Strengthen protection against fire and theft to prevent activities of spies
(1951, October)
Heighten vigilance to defend the motherland's coastal defense - don't let the American imperialists occupy an inch of my country
(ca. 1951)
Eliminate any act of conspiracy or sabotage by reactionary elements
(ca. 1951)
Special agent! Where are you running to?
(ca. 1951)
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on punishing counterrevolutionaries (Fine-print pocket book)
(ca. 1951)
Heighten our vigilance, be strictly on guard against sabotage by secret agents!
(1955, June)
Be sure not to lower your guard and become careless, increase your political vigilance!
(1955, August)
Resolutely, thoroughly, cleanly, completely eliminate all counterrevolutionary elements!
(1955, August)
[Guomindang spy]
(1955, August)
Don't let any hidden counterrevolutionary element slip through the net!
(1955, August)
Protect socialism
(1958, June)
Support the solemn and just stand of the Soviet government opposing the American imperialist crime of aggression!
(1960, May)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
(mid 1960s)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
(mid 1960s)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
(mid 1960s)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
(mid 1960s)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
(mid 1960s)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
(mid 1960s)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
(mid 1960s)
Tight encirclement
(1965, June)
Don't let a single spy slip through the net
(1965, August)
Attack the destructive activities of active counterrevolutionaries exhibition
(1970, July)
[anti-Taiwanese contacts poster]
[anti-Taiwanese contacts poster]
<National Security Law of the PRC> propaganda cartoons
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