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Zhao Guilan at the conference of outstanding workers
Xinjiang song and dance
Everyone studies culture
Chairman Mao Zedong -- In celebration of the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China
Salute the family members of active servicemen
Soldiers and farmers cooperate in building a river dyke
Emulation in the Patriotic production campaign
Strenghten the propaganda to oppose America and support Korea
The justified noose awaits them!
The witch undergoes a transformation
All Chinese nationalities unite at Chairman Mao's side
Trade Flows Between City and Countryside
It's glorious to take part, to oppose America, support Korea, protect the home and the nation
(1951, January)
Young students! Enthusiastically participate in military cadre schools to strengthen national defense construction, ...
(1951, January)
Oppose America, Support Korea, to protect home and nation!
(1951, February)
The people's militia has rifle practice to protect home and nation
(1951, February)
Young people, glorious positions are waiting for you! Fight to defend the motherland and strengthen national defense!
(1951, February)
Great meeting
(1951, February)
Long live the victory of the Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army!
(1951, May)
Let the imperialists tremble in front of the peoples of the world!
(1951, May)
Resolutely ban reactionary secret societies
(1951, June)
Welcome the Chinese People's Volunteer Army
(1951, July)
Defend our hometowns! Defend our motherland!
(1951, July)
Start the patriotic production competition - Increase production to strengthen the power to protect the nation
(1951, July)
Contribute to increasing production - To support the front to kill the enemy - For the beloved motherland!
(1951, July)
Denounce the reactionary crimes of the 'Jiu Gong Sect'
(1951, July)
We must give the warmongers an even more serious beating to teach them a lesson
(1951, July)
Suppress counterrevolutionaries, safeguard good circumstances!
(1951, August)
Defend our factories. Strengthen protection against fire and theft to prevent activities of spies
(1951, October)
The territorial airspace of the nation will not be easily encroached upon
(1951, November)
A new China brought by Chairman Mao's brilliant leadership
(1951, November)
Our county mayor has been elected
(1951, November)
Chairman Mao calls on us to complete the democratic reform thoroughly
(1951, November)
[Model soldiers]
(1951, December)
[Model workers]
(1951, December)
Earnestly carry out the duty to implement fulfilling the patriotic pledge to produce above quota
(1951, December)
The Soviet water conservancy expert Comrade Bukefu helps us to bring the Huai River under control
(1951, December)
(2) Strengthen the alliance of workers and peasants
(1951, December)
(1) Step up the sales of cotton, have cotton in reserve
(1951, December)
Love the country, grow cotton
(1951, December)
Victorious troops marching
(1951, December)
Happy family
(1951, December)
Workers' sanatorium
(1951, December)
Great international friendship, matchless class hatred
Sino-Soviet friendship
(ca. 1951)
Strive hard to produce with mutual help and mutual love
(ca. 1951)
Produce more! Contribute more!
(ca. 1951)
The army helps the people, the people helps the army
(ca. 1951)
People's leaders of all countries
(ca. 1951)
New China is under construction
(ca. 1951)
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