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The army and the people are of one mind, who on earth dares to oppose
(1967, September)
Listen to the words of Chairman Mao, swear to follow the example of "Support the army, love the people"
Down with Peng Dehuai, Luo Ruiqing, Chen Zaidao, Liao Laotan!
(ca. 1967)
The 3 July and 24 July proclamations are Chairman Mao's great strategic plans! Unite with forces that can be united with to strike surely, accurately and relentlessly at the handful of class enemies
Grasp revolution, increase production, relentlessly strike at imperialism, revisionism and reactionaries!
(1969, January)
Down with American imperialism! Down with Soviet revisionism!
(1969, February)
Take a firm stand, never forget class struggle -- Raise battle awareness, hold the revolutionary gun tight in one's hand
(1969, March)
We will not tolerate encroachment on Chinese territory!
(1969, September)
Be ready at all times to wipe out any invader
(1970, March)
Raise awareness to defend the nation
(1970, April)
American imperialism must be defeated! The people of the whole world must be victorious! Resolutely support the the struggle of the three Indochinese nations against America and to save the nation!
(1970, May)
Be sure to annihilate the enemy that invades
(1970, May)
Attack the destructive activities of active counterrevolutionaries exhibition
(1970, July)
Heighten our vigilance, defend the motherland! Be ready at all times to destroy the enemy intruders!
(1970, August)
Always heed the Party's summons -- study Yang Zirong in the revolutionary modern Beijing opera "Taking Tiger Mountain by strategy"
(1970, December)
Study Dazhai, we must grasp class struggle
(Early 1970s)
Posters showing measures against atomic, chemical and bacterial warfare
Untitled (last sheet)
We are determined to liberate Taiwan!
We will definitely free Taiwan!
(1971, January)
The International will be realized! Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Paris Commune
(1971, March)
The peoples of the three countries in Indo-China must win, American imperialism must be defeated!
(1971, May)
Celebrate the 50th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party with new victories
(1971, June)
All successes must be attributed to Chairman Mao, must be attributed to the party
(1971, August)
We do not yield one inch of the good mountains and rivers of the nation
(1972, March)
Passing on a historical song along the banks of the Wanquan River
(1972, July)
Carry forward the revolutionary tradition and strengthen the formation of people's militia -- Fourth propaganda poster to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Chairman Mao's instruction to organize contingents of the people's militia on a grand scale
(ca. 1972)
Take strict precautions against sudden assaults of the enemy
(Early 1970s)
Talking freely about the very good situation
(1973, April)
Devote oneself wholeheartedly to the revolution, devote everything to the revolution
(1973, August)
Study Lei Feng's fine example II
(1973, August)
Be ready to assemble at the first call and be capable of fighting and winning
(1973, December)
A hundred times vigilant
(1974, January)
Exercise and grow in the vast world
(1974, June)
Raise battle awareness, increase military training
(1974, September)
On the battlefront of coastal defense
(1975, June)
Announcing a victory
(1975, August)
Reconnoitering the enemy's advance
(1975, August)
Educational posters for people's defense against air attacks
(1975, December)
Strengthen military-civilian defence to defend the socialist motherland
(1976, September)
Busy practising martial arts on Lake Baiyangdian
(1976, November)
We must liberate Taiwan
(1977, April)
Strengthen war preparations, be always prepared to wipe out the encroaching enemy -- Fourth of four propaganda posters in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Chairman Mao's instruction to "organize contingents of people's militia on a big scale"
(1978, September)
Protect the nation, strengthen national defense
(1981, August)
Protect the nation, protect the borders
(1982, August)
Defend the Four Modernizations, train hard to increase combat efficiency
(1983, September)
It is the sacred duty of all citizens to protect the nation
Strengthen national defense to protect the great undertaking of the socialist Four Modernizations -- Celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of the PRC
(1984, September)
Register of heroes -- Yan Long
(1984, September)
Struggle bravely, defend the nation
(1987, August)
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