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Eradicate Redness
(ca. 1938)
General Line propaganda poster 1
(1958, July)
Oppose the military provocations and threats of war of American imperialism!
(1958, September)
Remember the 40th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, the youth has to become vanguards of establishing socialism!
(1959, April)
Imperialists, get out of Asia, Africa and Latin America!
People of the world, unite! Down with U.S. imperialism!
(1960, May)
American imperialism, get out of Japan! Get out of South Korea! Get out of South Vietnam! Get out of our country's territory Taiwan! Get out of Turkey!
(1960, May)
Support the solemn and just stand of the Soviet government opposing the American imperialist crime of aggression!
(1960, May)
New and old colonialists, get out of Asia, Africa and Latin America!
Wave of Anti-American rage along the Huangpu river
(1961, October)
Chinese People and Youth Hail the Great Victories of the National Liberation Movement!
Resolutely support the just struggle of the American blacks!
(1963, September)
People and Youth of the Whole World, Unite, Form the Broadest United Front Against the U.S. Imperialist Policies of Aggression and War!
(1964, April)
Resolutely support the patriotic just struggle of the people of Congo (LĂ©opoldville)
(1964, December)
Resolutely support the just struggle of the Dominican people against America to defend their nation!
(1965, May)
Oppose American imperialist encroachment, smash the "Korea-Japan Basic Treaty"
(1965, July)
The struggle of all the people in the world against American imperialism will be victorious!
(1965, September)
Resolutely support the American people in their resistance against American imperialist aggression in Vietnam
(1966, April)
The army and the people are united as one, who on earth dares to oppose us!
Warmly welcome the foundation of the revolutionary committee of Zhejiang Province
Move forwards in wind and waves following Chairman Mao
Blood debts must be repaid in blood!
Patriotic compatriots of Hong Kong and Kowloon mobilize, resolutely fight back the British imperialist provocation!
(1967, June)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
Down with the new Czars!
(1969, March)
Pledge your life to defend the sacred territory of the motherland!
(1969, March)
People of the world love Chairman Mao
The International will be realized! Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Paris Commune
(1971, March)
Proletarians of the world, unite!
(1971, December)
Commemorate the 50th anniversary of the great strike of February Seventh
(1972, December)
The country demands independence, the nationalities demand liberation, the people demand revolution
(1973, September)
May Fourth Movement
(1976, July)
A great historic victory
(1976, October)
Study the "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume V well, follow Chairman Hua and advance victoriously
(ca. 1977)
Angrily denounce the monstrous crime of usurping the power of the Party by the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique!
(ca. 1978)
Pine trees and cypresses are covered in white flowers
(ca. 1978)
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Chinese Workers' rights to strike cannot be abolished! Only bureaucrats are threatened by the People's Voice.
Zhaojialou burning; "May Fourth" student demonstrations
Mourning meeting - Big parade
Mourning meeting - Big parade
Oppose division, promote unity
(1998, January)
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