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Regulations of the People's Republic of China on punishing counterrevolutionaries (Fine-print pocket book)
(ca. 1951)
The most important tasks of the Cultural Revolution are ....
(1958, June)
Carry on the traditions of the revolution, masses of fellow workers and peasants unite with each other!
(1959, April)
A young propaganda troupe
(1961, October)
Study the Sixteen Points; be familiar with the Sixteen Points; apply the Sixteen Points
(1967, February)
Our nation's millions of Red Guards resolutely support the patriotic compatriots of Hong Kong and Kowloon in their anti-English struggle against violent repression!
(ca. 1967)
Learn from the valiant standard-bearer of the Great Cultural Revolution, comrade Jiang Qing, and pay her respect!
(ca. 1967)
When cleaning the accumulated junk for Spring Festival, sell it enthusiastically to the state for the people
(Early 1970s)
Growing up in the midst of struggle
(ca. 1970)
Constructive work for protection
To go on a thousand 'li' march to temper a red heart
(1971, January)
From now on we must be prepared
(1971, March)
Clean and hygienic, inspire the people, change habits and customs, change the nation
(1971, August)
Electing the team leader
(ca. 1972)
Change old customs and habits - transform the country
(Early 1970s)
Study comrade Lei Feng
(1973, January)
Thoroughly criticize the counterrevolutionary revisionist line of the renegade and traitor Lin Biao!
(1973, September)
Mobilize to pay attention to hygiene, reduce disease and improve health levels
Wage the struggle of criticizing Lin and Confucius to the end
(1974, February)
Wage the struggle of criticizing Lin and Confucius to the end
(1974, February)
The measuring of the new fields has not finished yet
(1974, October)
Long March diary
(1974, November)
Study Pan Dongzi to become good children of the party
(1975, May)
Good daughter of the poor-and-lower-middle peasants
(1975, June)
To be a good child of the party
(1975, September)
Workers' theory group
(ca. 1975)
Young sentries
(1976, March)
Battle hymn on the wheat field
(1976, April)
Great historical documents (the great Cultural Revolution will shine forever group painting)
(1976, September)
A great historic victory
(1976, October)
Angrily denounce the crime of conspiring to usurp the power of the Party by the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique!
(1976, November)
Down with the "Gang of Four" single sheet cartoons, no. 1
(1976, December)
Resolutely carry out the guiding principles of earthquake work, vigorously start a movement to survey and protect the masses
(ca. 1976)
Marry late to realize the revolution
(1977, April)
Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou together with us
(1977, May)
Little Yu Gong's on the fields of Dazhai
(1977, May)
Battle songs to welcome spring
(1977, May)
The orientation of grasping the key link in running the country is bright, striving to be the best in labor emulation
(1977, June)
Ferreting out the "Gang of Four" to the satisfaction of the people, be merciless with bad people even if they're down and continue to advance on the enemy
(1977, September)
Deepen the exposure and increase the criticism of the "Gang of Four" Wholeheartedly support Chairman Hua
(1977, September)
Safeguard traffic order, ensure traffic safety
(late 1970s)
Maintain public hygiene, protect social morality
(early 1980s)
Earnestly study, propagate and implement the spirit of the 12th Party Plenum!
Make our cities even more beautiful
(1982, April)
Culture, courtesy, greening, beautification
(1982, May)
Zhaojialou burning; "May Fourth" student demonstrations
Destructive earthquake emergency response propaganda charts
(1995, June)
Struggling for Sichuan Glorious changes
(2012, March)
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