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Population Policy
Marry late for the revolution
Enthusiastically respond to the party's call promoting marriage at the right age in order for young people to contribute to the great tasks of the socialist revolution and reconstruction
Set your sights high, first establish a trade then set up a family
(1966, February)
It is a revolutionary requirement to marry late
(Early 1970s)
The great significance of implementing [the policy of] marrying late and birth control
(1971, September)
Practice birth control for the revolution
(1972, May)
Productive labor is the most glorious, women can also become heroes, giving birth to boys or girls is all the same, transform social conditions to create new customs
(ca. 1972)
Deliver medicine to the doorstep, do a good job in birth control work
Carry out birth planning for the revolution
(1974, March)
Marry late and engage in planned parenthood for the revolution
(1974, August)
Family planning has many advantages
(ca. 1974)
Practicing birth control is beneficial for the health and prosperity of our people
Marrying late has many advantages
Practicing birth control is beneficial for the protection of the health of mother and child
Realize [the policy of] marrying late and birth control to liberate the labor power of women
(1975, March)
People who are enthusiastic to do a good job at birth control
(1975, June)
Birth control is good
(1975, August)
Practice birth control for the revolution - freely supplied anti-contraceptives
(ca. 1975?)
Marry late to realize the revolution
(1977, April)
Family planning, change customs, the country is rich, the people are strong, the family is happy
(late 1970s?)
Children born under planned parenthood are strong
(1978, April)
Planned parenthood is good
(1979, October)
Satisfied and happy
(1980, August)
It's good to have only one child
(early 1980s)
Mother gave birth to me only
I'm mother's little helper
Eugenical and wellbred
It's better to have an only child!
We'd rather like later marriage and later bearing child
It's good to have only one child! Honor to married couples with only one child!
We have only one earth
Better birth and upbringing peace and happiness
I've got the one child certificate
For an even more beautiful life
Happy in one's heart
(1983, August)
A Five-Good family
(1983, August)
Firmly protect the legal rights and interests of women and children
(1983, December)
Convey the highest respect to the basic level cadres working on the frontline of family planning, express our heartfelt thanks to all the people who support the cause of family planning!
Better birth, better upbringing, glory, happiness
(ca. 1985)
Clever and pretty, healthy and lovely
Bette(r) birth and upbringing, sturdily growing
Carry out family planning, implement the basic national policy
Do a good job in family planning to promote economic development
(1986, April)
Marry late, conceive late
Posters popularizing the science of family planning 1
Less births, better births, to develop China vigorously
Posters popularizing the science of family planning 2
Posters popularizing the science of family planning 3
Eugenics cause happiness
(1987, July)
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