American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 2

Meiguo jiuji gongzuotuan - Meiyuan gongzuo baogao
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 2
United States Information Service
35.5x25.5 cm.
BG D25/56

The image of the Head of the Shanghai Branch of the Agency, Donald S. Gilpatric (吉尔派屈克氏, Attache at the Consulate General at Shanghai) accompanies an organizational chart showing how the monies will be spent: of a total of US$45 mn., US$5 mn. will be invested directly in health care and provision of medicines in the form of 304 medical relief projects; US$39.5 mn. will be used in five big cities to acquire foodstuffs, to be distributed through 96 projects for support and 22 general use projects; the remaining US$500,000 is to be spent directly on seed improvement and pest treatment in 85 rural relief projects.

Nr. 2 of the poster set on the Economic Aid Agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of China (3 July 1948).

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