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Millions of people all of one mind vow to exterminate the Japanese enemy
(ca. 1937)
Always and everywhere, strengthen our resistance
(ca. 1937)
We live to struggle for the nation!
(ca. 1937)
Resolutely ban reactionary secret societies
(1951, June)
Advance bravely this year to complete or almost complete the main targets of the second Five Year Plan!
(1959, September)
The Chinese people resolutely support the people's democratic movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America - Down with imperialism! Down with colonialism!
(1960, May)
American imperialism, get out of Japan! Get out of South Korea! Get out of South Vietnam! Get out of our country's territory Taiwan! Get out of Turkey!
(1960, May)
American imperialism is the most fiendish enemy of world peace!
(1960, June)
The storm of Asia
(1960, June)
Resolutely support the just struggle of the American blacks!
(1963, September)
Oppose the American infringement upon the Vietnamese Democratic Republic!
(1965, February)
Study comrade Wang Jie's revolutionary spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death!
(1965, December)
Resolutely smash the number one power holders in the party that follow the capitalist road! Thoroughly crush the counterrevolutionary adverse current of capitalist restoration!
Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and Tao Zhu must get out of the Central Committee of the Party!
The 700 million Chinese are the strong backup force of the Vietnamese people
(1966, September)
Thoroughly smash the old Municipal Party Committee
Beat the "United" countercurrent - defend the Shanghai Revolutionary Committee to the death!
Down with Soviet revisionism! Smash Brezhnev's dog's head to pulp! Smash Kosygin's dog's head to pulp!
(1967, February)
Great meeting to struggle against the counter-revolutionary revisionist elements Wei Hu, Wang Qian, Wang Daren
(1967, February)
It is up to us to organize the people. As for the reactionaries in China, it is up to us to organize the people to overthrow them. Mao Zedong
(1967, July)
The army and the people are of one mind, who on earth dares to oppose
(1967, September)
Thoroughly smash the new counterattack by the capitalist reactionary line!
(ca. 1967)
Liu Shaoqi, surrendering his whole life, so let him perish!
(ca. 1967)
Down with China's Khrushchev Liu Shaoqi cartoon collection
(ca. 1967)
Down with the usurper and anti-Party element Luo Ruiqing
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
Down with Tao Zhu!
(ca. 1967)
Down with Liu Shaoqi!
Down with whoever opposes Chairman Mao!
A master worker ascends the dais
(1972, December)
Denounce the heinous crimes of the renegade and traitor Lin Biao!
(1973, August)
The country demands independence, the nationalities demand liberation, the people demand revolution
(1973, September)
Thoroughly criticize the counterrevolutionary revisionist line of the renegade and traitor Lin Biao!
(1973, September)
Ruthlessly criticize Lin Biao's "restrain yourself and return to the rites", resolutely follow the road of socialism!
(1974, February)
Proletarians of the world, unite
Resolutely support the two wise resolutions of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, angrily denounce the capitalist roader Deng Xiaoping's crime of refusing to repent
Completely finish the struggle of counterattacking the Rightist deviation of reversing verdicts
(1976, May)
Carry out Chairman Mao's behests and carry the proletarian revolutionary cause through to the end
(1976, September)
Turn grief into strength, carry out Chairman Mao's behests and carry the proletarian revolutionary cause through to the end
(1976, September)
Angrily denounce the monstrous crime of usurping the power of the Party by the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique!
(1976, October)
Thousands of soldiers sweep away the "Gang of Four"
(1976, December)
Thoroughly smash the 'Gang of Four' Cartoon Anthology vol. 1
(1976, December)
Relentlessly criticize the "Gang of Four", set off a new upsurge of industry studying Daqing and agriculture studying Dazhai
(1977, January)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the "Gang of Four"
(1977, March)
Completely expose and criticize the towering crimes of the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique
(1977, March)
Study comrade Lei Feng, to become a loyal warrior for the nation
Energetically complete the task of party rectification, bring about a basic turn for the better in party spirit
(1984, January)
Be fond of health, fight against "SARS" - hold on ... to the last victory!
The Diaoyu Islands are Chinese! Chinese territory will not be invaded!
Let us together remember the great truth shown by history: Justice will prevail! Peace will prevail! The people will prevail!
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