Resolutely smash the number one power holders in the party that follow the capitalist road! Thoroughly crush the counterrevolutionary adverse current of capitalist restoration!

Jianjue dadao dangnei touhao zuo ziben zhuyi daolude dangquanpai! Chedi fensui ziben zhuyi fubide fangeming niliu!
Resolutely smash the number one power holders in the party that follow the capitalist road! Thoroughly crush the counterrevolutionary adverse current of capitalist restoration!
Preparatory Office of the Political Work Conference of Representatives of Revolutionary Red Guards of Universities, Vocational and Middle Schools of the Taiyuan Region (太原区大专中院校革命红卫兵代表政治工作会议筹备处)
108x76 cm.
BG E15/569

Among the "capitalist-roaders" brought to heel in the lower-right corner are Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping.

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