Earthquake destruction and the reduction of disaster popularization charts

Dizhen zaihai yu jianzai kepu guatu
Earthquake destruction and the reduction of disaster popularization charts
1992, April
Dizhen chubanshe (地震出版社)
53x38 cm.
BG E37/917

"Earthquake destruction and the reduction of disaster popularization charts" (地震灾害与减灾科普挂图) is a 12-poster series published in 1992 by the National Seismological Administration.

The first poster contrasts high-rise buildings and the destructive effects of an earthquake. The texts read "Earthquake prevention and disaster reduction - Prevention first"; "Combination of flat and earthquake - Always prepared"; "Self-reliance - Hard work"; "Develop production - Rebuild homes" (防震减灾预防为主; 平震结合常备不懈; 自力更生艰苦奋斗; 发展生产重建家园).

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