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Korean War
Foreign Friends: North Korea
I am a warrior protecting the peace -- I will not allow any imperialist to invade our territory again!
(early 1950s)
Annihilate the American aggressors
(ca. 1950)
The Chinese people absolutely cannot tolerate the invasion of other countries, and cannot allow Imperialists to wantonly invade its own neighbours without acting
(ca. 1950)
Emulation in the Patriotic production campaign
(ca. 1950)
Salute the family members of active servicemen
Strenghten the propaganda to oppose America and support Korea
Emulation in the Patriotic production campaign
The justified noose awaits them!
It's glorious to take part, to oppose America, support Korea, protect the home and the nation
(1951, January)
Oppose America, Support Korea, to protect home and nation!
(1951, February)
Long live the victory of the Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army!
(1951, May)
Welcome the Chinese People's Volunteer Army
(1951, July)
Defend our hometowns! Defend our motherland!
(1951, July)
Contribute to increasing production - To support the front to kill the enemy - For the beloved motherland!
(1951, July)
We must give the warmongers an even more serious beating to teach them a lesson
(1951, July)
A new China brought by Chairman Mao's brilliant leadership
(1951, November)
Victorious troops marching
(1951, December)
Great international friendship, matchless class hatred
Start patriotic production emulation - Oppose America, support Korea, protect the home and the nation!
(ca. 1951)
Produce more! Contribute more!
(ca. 1951)
Everybody must take precautions against epidemics to smash the germ warfare of American imperialism!
Together we oppose aggressive warfare and defend the peace in the Far East and the world!
(1952, January)
The Chinese People's Volunteer Army is the comrade-in-arms of the (North) Korean people and the safeguard of world peace!
(1952, April)
Always emulate the Ma Hengchang Small Team
(1952, April)
Uphold the decision of the Oslo meeting!
(1952, June)
To do a good job in epidemic prevention and hygiene work is concrete patriotic behavior in the battle to smash American imperialist germ warfare!
(1952, June)
American germ warfare criminals will not escape the righteous punishment of the people of the world!
(1952, July)
Stamp out the flames of war, save the peace!
(1952, September)
Oppose America, support Korea - the great accomplishments of three years People's Republic of China
(1952, October)
Chinese People's Volunteer Air Force hero Zhang Jihui
(1952, November)
1953 Calendar
(1952, November)
A returned representative of the Volunteer Army tells about the Korean battlefield
(1952, December)
The fate of aggressors
(ca. 1952)
The American imperialists conduct brutal biological warfare in the Korean War and our north eastern territories
(ca. 1952)
As soon as you realise the enemy's plane has dropped bacteria and poisonous insects, you have to sweep it together and burn it down or use soil to bury it.
(ca. 1952)
Everybody comes together to patriotically engage in the hygiene and epidemic prevention movement, smash the Americal imperialists' biological warfare scheme!
(ca. 1952)
Produce more, kill more enemies
(1953, March)
Resolutely accomplish the great tasks of 1953
(1953, April)
Another victory
(1953, May)
The uncle from the Volunteer Army protects our happy lives
(1953, June)
Report of a success on our nation's production frontline
(1953, November)
Gratitude for the uncle from the Volunteer Army
(1953, December)
Uncle, we have been victorious!
(1953, December)
The new generation grows up in happiness
(1953, December)
Judgement Day for American Imperialism
(ca. 1953)
Helping the heroic Korean people resume a peaceful life
(1954, March)
Sing about victory! Sing about our beloved nation!
(1954, March)
Listening to stories from the uncles from the Volunteer Army
(1954, August)
Performing for the Volunteer Army
(1954, September)
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