Untitled (Great Leap Forward banner)

Untitled (Great Leap Forward banner)
Publisher unknown
25.5x19 cm.
BG D25/344

A small banner from a set, celebrating the Great Leap Forward. Two ribbons, knotted together, with the texts "Manifesto of the Congress of Workers' Parties of the Communist Parties of the Socialist Countries" (社会主义国家共产党工人党代表会议宣言) and "Declaration of Peace" (和平宣言). The "Manifesto of the Congress of Workers' Parties of the Communist Parties of the Socialist Countries" was a document adopted at the Congress of the Communist and Workers' Parties of the Socialist Countries held in Moscow from 14-16 November 1957, referred to as the "1957 Moscow Manifesto". Attending the meeting were delegations from the ruling Communist and Workers' Parties of 12 countries, including Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, the Democratic Republic of Germany, Romania, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, Mongolia, North Korea and China. Moscow (the Spasskaya Tower) and Beijing (Tian'anmen Gate) represent the signatories. A Sputnik has just been launched.

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