This causes trouble! - Lessons from Several Heavy Liability Accidents

祸从何来! 几起重责任事故的教训
Huo cong he lai! Ji qi zhong zeren shigu de jiaoxun
This causes trouble! - Lessons from Several Heavy Liability Accidents
1987, November
Liaoning minzu chubanshe (辽宁民族出版社)
52x38 cm.
BG D25/462

A set of safety production legal education wall charts was compiled and printed in 1987 to cooperate with the implementation of the instructions of the Party Central Committee, the National People's Congress Standing Committee and the State Council to overcome bureaucracy and strengthen safety production.

Titled "Risky work causes fire" (昌险作业酿成大火), the story is told about how a factory went up in smoke, because workers had been welding in a workshop for spray painting; the blaze subsequently reached the oil storage facility of the factory. The responsible persons were prosecuted.

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