We should do more and engage less in empty talk - Deng Xiaoping

多干实事, 少说空话 - 邓小平
Duogan shishi, shao shuo konghua - Deng Xiaoping
We should do more and engage less in empty talk - Deng Xiaoping
1992, August
Guangxi meishu chubanshe (广西美术出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E13/410

Deng Xiaoping is the main architect of the economic reforms. He abolishes the idolization of political leaders; during his lifetime, his portrait appears on posters only very rarely. This Deng-quotation is illustrated with a photograph of a modern cityscape. Note the cars pasted in: not all of them follow the direction of traffic.

The quotation is from a speech during Deng's 1992 Southern Tour.

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