Shi Jie catches the enemies in the tiger's lair

Shi jie huxue qin di
Shi Jie catches the enemies in the tiger's lair
1965, December
Hubei renmin chubanshe (湖北人民出版社)
53.5x38.5 cm.
BG D91/119

From the series "The brave people of Vietnam are sure to win" (Yingxiong de yuenan renmin bisheng - 英雄的越南人必胜).

Translation of the text under the title: "The southern Vietnam guerrilla fighter Sister Shi often caught the enemy by entering the tiger’s lair. One time, the soldiers of the A.T. military post in Bingzhi County just ate lunch when Sister Shi and four other guerrilla fighters suddenly appeared before the enemy’s eyes. Without wasting any bullet they caught all of the enemies."

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