Ruan Yuekai fights fiercely against helicopters

Ruan Yuekai dazhan zhishengfeiji
Ruan Yuekai fights fiercely against helicopters
1965, December
Hubei renmin chubanshe (湖北人民出版社)
53.5x38.5 cm.
BG D91/123

From the series "The brave people of Vietnam are sure to win" (Yingxiong de yuenan renmin bisheng - 英雄的越南人必胜).

Translation of the text under the title: "In Xinxingxi County in South Vietnam, the leader of the small guerrilla group Ruan Yuekai worked together with a small combat group, together they raided 23 helicopters fully loaded with soldiers. He also shot a descending helicopter right in front of him and killed the enemies. When there were several other helicopters rushing over he vigorously met the enemy head-on, shot one after another. He used around nine cartridges to bring four American helicopters to the ground."

All posters in this series

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