General Line propaganda poster 3 -- It is the General Line of the Party's socialist construction to go all out, aim high and achieve greater, faster, better and more economical results in building socialism

总路线宣传画 3 -- 鼓足干劲、力争上游、多快好省地建设社会主义是党的社会主义建设的总路线
Zongluxian xuanchuanhua 3 -- Guzu ganjin, lizheng shangyou, duo kuai hao shengde jianshe shehui zhuyi shi dangde shehui zhuyi jianshede zongluxian
General Line propaganda poster 3 -- It is the General Line of the Party's socialist construction to go all out, aim high and achieve greater, faster, better and more economical results in building socialism
1958, July
Shanghai huapian chubanshe (上海画片出版社)
53x39 cm.
BG D25/321

The arrow mimicks an airplane taking off. The four characters doubling as the aircraft's engines stand for "More, Faster, Better, More economical" (duo, kuai, hao, sheng 多,快,好,省), a Great Leap Forward slogan.

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