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Gang of Four
Gang of Four (四人帮)
Angrily denounce the monstrous crime of usurping the power of the Party by the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique!
(1976, October)
Resolutely overthrow the anti-Party clique of Wang, Zhang, Jiang and Yao!
(1976, 24 October)
A great historic victory
(1976, October)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the heinous crimes of the "Gang of Four" and their representatives in Liaoning
(1976, November)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the heinous crimes of the "Gang of Four" and their representatives in Liaoning
(1976, November)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the heinous crimes of the "Gang of Four" and their representatives in Liaoning
(1976, November)
Angrily denounce the crime of conspiring to usurp the power of the Party by the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique!
(1976, November)
Warmly celebrate the appointment of comrade Hua Guofeng as chairman of the Party Central Committee and as chairman of the Central Military Committee, warmly celebrate the great victory of the smashing of the "Gang of Four"'s evil plot to usurp Party power
(1976, November)
Waging struggle while forever relying in Mao Zedong Thought, obeying all orders from the Party Central Committee with Chairman Hua Guofeng at its core
(1976, November)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the heinous crimes of the "Gang of Four" and their representatives in Liaoning
(1976, November)
Happy to present Spring Festival couplets
(1976, December)
Down with the "Gang of Four" single sheet cartoons, no. 1
(1976, December)
The whole nation joins in jubilation to celebrate victory
(1976, December)
Thousands of soldiers sweep away the "Gang of Four"
(1976, December)
Thoroughly smash the 'Gang of Four' Cartoon Anthology vol. 1
(1976, December)
Relentlessly criticize the "Gang of Four", set off a new upsurge of industry studying Daqing and agriculture studying Dazhai
(1977, January)
We must earnestly study the writings of Chairman Mao to deepen the criticism of the counterrevolutionary revisionist line of the "Gang of Four"
(1977, March)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the 'Gang of Four's' crimes of smothering the movie «The Builders» and negating the red banner of Daqing
(1977, March)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the "Gang of Four"
(1977, March)
Relentlessly criticize the "Gang of Four", develop a new look in production
(1977, March)
Completely expose and criticize the towering crimes of the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique
(1977, March)
Completely expose and criticize the towering crimes of the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique
(1977, March)
Completely expose and criticize the towering crimes of the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique
(1977, March)
Battle songs to welcome spring
(1977, May)
We must certainly wage the great struggle of exposing and criticizing the "Gang of Four" to the end
(1977, May)
Our hearts turn towards Chairman Hua, relentlessly criticize the 'Gang of Four', score a victory in production-A selection of art posters by workers of Yangquan
(1977, June)
Ferreting out the "Gang of Four" to the satisfaction of the people, be merciless with bad people even if they're down and continue to advance on the enemy
(1977, September)
Deepen the exposure and increase the criticism of the "Gang of Four" Wholeheartedly support Chairman Hua
(1977, September)
Down with the "Gang of Four", achieve a victory in production!
(1977, October)
Beloved Premier Zhou, hundreds of millions of people will always remember you - Resolutely expose the criminal behavior of the Gang of Four of harming Premier Zhou
Study the "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume V well, follow Chairman Hua and advance victoriously
(ca. 1977)
(1978, February)
Smash the 'Gang of Four'
(1978, September)
Angrily denounce the monstrous crime of usurping the power of the Party by the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique!
(ca. 1978)
Take up one's pen as a weapon
(ca. 1978)
Day of Joy
(ca. 1978)
Laughing and talking makes people happy, and I am happy to hear that China is full of youth
(1979, August)
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
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