Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981

伟大的中国共产党六十 1921-1981
Weidade Zhongguo gongchandang liushinian 1921-1981
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Zhanshi chubanshe (战士出版社)
53x37 cm.
BG D25/255

Part of a series marking the 60th anniversary of the CCP. Subtitled "Suffering serious setbacks, victory still belongs to the people" (遭受严重挫折胜利仍属人民), this second part (of two) covers "The 'Cultural Revolution' period 1966-1976" (“文化大革命”时期 1966-1976).

It shows Mao Zedong receiving Richard M. Nixon (February 1972); a seriously ill Zhou Enlai (January 1975); Deng Xiaoping receiving Edward Heath; Ye Jianying meeting soldiers; the people mourning Zhou Enlai's death at Qingming (April 1976); China's entering the United Nations (November 1971); advances in Chinese military technology; the people on Tiananmen Square, rejoicing over the fall of the Gang of Four and the end of the Cultural Revolution (October 1976).

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