Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981

伟大的中国共产党六十 1921-1981
Weidade Zhongguo gongchandang liushinian 1921-1981
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Zhanshi chubanshe (战士出版社)
53x37 cm.
BG D25/257

Part of a series marking the 60th anniversary of the CCP. Subtitled "Realize the shift of focus and build a powerful country with Four Modernizations" (实现重点转移建设四化强国), this second part (of four) covers "The party and the nation have entered a new period of historical development 1976-1981" (党和国家进入新的历史发展时期 1976-1981).

It shows mechanized farming; meetings in favor of the reform policy; improvements in material conditions; the trial of the Gang of Four (20 November 1980-25 January 1981).

All posters in this series