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We are eternally loyal to you, beloved leader Chairman Mao
Following Chairman Mao forever making revolution
Long live the victory of the proletarian revolutionary line with Chairman Mao as its representative! Long live the victory of Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!
Beijing supports you
Study comrade Jiang Qing, pay respect to comrade Jiang Qing
(1967, June)
Learn from the valiant standard-bearer of the Great Cultural Revolution, comrade Jiang Qing, and pay her respect!
(ca. 1967)
Mao Zedong Thought illuminates the theatre stage
The happiest moment
(1968, January)
Warmly welcome the founding of the Hunan Provincial Revolutionary Committee – 10 April 1968
(1968, April)
The invincible Mao Zedong Thought illuminates the stage of revolutionary art!
(1969, March)
The invincible Mao Zedong Thought illuminates the stage of revolutionary art!
(1969, May)
Resolutely overthrow the anti-Party clique of Wang, Zhang, Jiang and Yao!
(1976, 24 October)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the heinous crimes of the "Gang of Four" and their representatives in Liaoning
(1976, November)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the heinous crimes of the "Gang of Four" and their representatives in Liaoning
(1976, November)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the heinous crimes of the "Gang of Four" and their representatives in Liaoning
(1976, November)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the heinous crimes of the "Gang of Four" and their representatives in Liaoning
(1976, November)
Down with the "Gang of Four" single sheet cartoons, no. 1
(1976, December)
Thoroughly smash the 'Gang of Four' Cartoon Anthology vol. 1
(1976, December)
Completely expose and criticize the towering crimes of the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique
(1977, March)
Completely expose and criticize the towering crimes of the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique
(1977, March)
Thoroughly expose and criticize the 'Gang of Four's' crimes of smothering the movie «The Builders» and negating the red banner of Daqing
(1977, March)
Completely expose and criticize the towering crimes of the "Gang of Four" anti-Party clique
(1977, March)
Beloved Premier Zhou, hundreds of millions of people will always remember you - Resolutely expose the criminal behavior of the Gang of Four of harming Premier Zhou
A new story
(1978, February)
Smash the 'Gang of Four'
(1978, September)
The people's hearts are very happy
(1978, November)
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
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